Tuesday, 28 July 2009

An Orgy Of Thought - Week 10

Week 10 - Performance of "The Disposessed".

Week 10 was our final week, and our final performance. We had a great performance, much fun was had by all. The weather held out. Refreshed and invigorated, we applied for an Arts Action Community grant.
I hope we get it so we can make a start on The New Curiosity Shop!


1. Summary
2. Performers
3. Performance Video
4. "Lady of Dreams" Character Mingling With Children In The Audience - Performance Video 3

1. Summary

So, we performed our piece in the centre of York 3 times for different audiences on one day as part of York's literature festival, with themes of Tudors. (ours was about Tudor exploration and new workers from "new worlds" and how that's relevant to today and some negative ivews towards migrant workers).

Thanks to everyone who came to watch our piece and the council for supporting our group :)

Below is our final performance, in 2 parts.

2. Performers

Producer: Em Topp
Director - Rhiannon Jackson
Musician - Tom Rimmington
Lady of Dreams - Fiona Khan
Lost Migrant Worker & Doctor 1 - Nat Ellis
Builder & Doctor 2 - Ruthl Rimmington
Bulier & The Prof - Mike Cooper

3."The Disposessed" Performance Video

4. "Lady of Dreams" Character Mingling With Children In The Audience - Performance Video 3